
Bekend as The "BAMartialArtist" en "Ninja P"
MIND : Gesertifiseerde Meester Lewensafrigter, Lewensdoelafrigter, Doel Sukses Lewensafrigter, Loopbaanontwikkeling Lewensafrigter, en Geluk Lewensafrigter
LIGGAAM : Gesertifiseerde Xtreme Hip Hop™ Stap Aerobics Instrukteur, Gesertifiseerde Xtreme Brand Instrukteur, Martial Arts Instrukteur
SIEL : Gesertifiseerde Besigheidsanalise Professionele (CBAP), ACBA, Gesertifiseerde Diversiteit en Insluiting Bestuurder Afrigter, Gelisensieerde IDI Administrateur

Our Goal is to Inspire, Motivate and Encourage All!

It's important to take care of your BODY. Health and wellness is another important aspect to keep balanced with your mind and soul. Running yourself into the ground working astronomical amount of hours is detrimental to the body, which is detrimental to your overall health. You can also sustain this type of behavior for so long. You cannot perform optimally in your work, or personal, life if your body is fatigued, or deprived, of the substances needed to sustain it.
This became very real to me when I was working 60+ hours a week consistently for months, to where my son asked me one say when I came from work, "Mom, are you going to be on your laptop all tonight again?". That's when I knew I had to stop working myself into the ground, and spend time with my family and take care of myself. I was no good to myself or my family living this type of lifestyle. I started this change in 2014.
However, in 2020 I discovered some fitness programsI truly enjoyed and decided to take the next step. I became a Group Fitness Instructor. This was a way to hold myself accountable to take care of my body. I like to practice what I preach, so adding this body component to my business was a way to help others, but also myself.
I established Ninja P Fitness to help others consistently work on their fitness goals.
Click on the button below to find out more.
Disclaimer: I am a Group Fitness instructor only. I am not a nutritionalist, dietician or physical trainer.
For those who are members of Ninja P Fitness programs please click on the link below to access the applicable sites: