
Conocido como "BAMartialArtist" y "Ninja P"
Orador/Entrenador/Consultor/Autor/Planificador de eventos
MENTE : Master Life Coach certificado, Life Purpose Coach, Goal Success Life Coach, Career Development Life Coach y Happiness Life Coach
CUERPO : Instructor certificado de aerĆ³bicos Xtreme Hip Hopā¢ Step, Instructor certificado de Xtreme Burn, Instructor de artes marciales
ALMA : Profesional Certificado en AnĆ”lisis de Negocios (CBAP), ACBA, Entrenador Certificado en Diversidad e InclusiĆ³n, Administrador IDI con Licencia

Our Goal is to Inspire, Motivate and Encourage All!
lo que hacemos
En Paula A. Bell Consulting, creemos en el apoyo y los servicios holĆsticos para nuestros clientes. Ofrecemos servicios en las Ć”reas de mente, cuerpo y alma. Cuando la mente, el cuerpo y el alma trabajan juntos, lo que lograrĆ”s es fenomenal.
Haga clic en los cĆrculos a continuaciĆ³n para obtener mĆ”s informaciĆ³n...
The Waza of Career Preparation & Development™ Course

If you are looking for an online career course unlike any other, "The Waza of Career Preparation and Development™ (CP&D)™" Program is for YOU!!! As I coached clients in advancing their careers across the globe, I began to realize there are certain tools, techniques and resources that were consistently leveraged to aid career preparation and development. Though this program cannot guarantee you job placement due to external factors outside of our control, this program can guarantee you how to plan and prepare for that next career opportunity that comes your way. Whether it's a career pivot, or advancement in your current career path, this program will get you prepared.
First off, when you join "The Waza of Career Preparation and Development™" Program you will gain access to the online program which is the ultimate career preparation and development blueprint, which consists of 7 main modules:
Self Introspection and Defining Your Career Path
Resume Planning, Preparation and Creation
Creating/Updating Your LinkedIn Profile
Analyzing a Job Posting Effectively to Prepare Your Resume & Execute the Interview
How to Conduct a Skill Gap Analysis
Development Planning
Interview Preparation
Interview Execution
BONUS Resources
You will also receive transcripts of the videos, templates, resources, and group coaching calls.
Currently registration is not open for the CP&D. This program is offered once a year.
Next Program: TBA
Holistic Services
ConcĆ©ntrese en USTED a travĆ©s de la obtenciĆ³n de solidez mental a travĆ©s de diferentes servicios de coaching de vida.
Life Coaching, Intercultural Development Inventory®, and Accountability Coaching
Descargo de responsabilidad : solo ofrecemos servicios de coaching de vida. No somos terapeutas y no ofrecemos asesoramiento mƩdico.
ConcƩntrate en TI cuidando tu cuerpo. Ofrecemos programas Hip Hop Step Aerobics y Burn (alto impacto cardiovascular) de forma virtual y presencial.
Group Fitness Programs
Descargo de responsabilidad : No somos preparadores fĆsicos, nutricionistas o dietistas. Ofrecemos programas para mejorar su salud a travĆ©s de programas de ejercicio.
ConcĆ©ntrate en TI manteniĆ©ndose relevante a travĆ©s del desarrollo y la prosperidad en su oficio profesional. Ofrecemos el intercambio de conocimientos a travĆ©s de conferencias en eventos, entrenamiento y consultorĆa en las Ć”reas de anĆ”lisis empresarial, gestiĆ³n de proyectos, liderazgo, diversidad, equidad e inclusiĆ³n, y desarrollo profesional.