
MIND :認定マスターライフコーチ、ライフパーパスコーチ、ゴールサクセスライフコーチ、キャリア開発ライフコーチ、ハピネスライフコーチ
BODY :認定エクササイズヒップホップ™ステップエアロビクスインストラクター、認定エクササイズバーンインストラクター、武道インストラクター
SOUL :認定ビジネス分析プロフェッショナル(CBAP)、ACBA、認定ダイバーシティ&インクルージョンマネージャーコーチ、ライセンスIDI管理者

Our Goal is to Inspire, Motivate and Encourage All!
The Waza of Resume Preparation & Creation™
The Waza of Resume Preparation and Creation™ is an online self-study course. It was created to allow individuals to prepare, and create their resume on their own time with templates, and guides along the way. This course will take the pain away from creating a resume on a resume on your own as we will do it together. You are not alone in this and it doesn't have to be overwhelming and daunting.
The course: The course contains the following:
The different types of resume and when they should be used
What should be included in a resume
What to consider for Application Tracking Systems
Why a baseline resume?
How to leverage your baseline resume to apply for that next position
BONUS: How to leverage your baseline resume to create, or update, your LinkedIn profile
DISCLAIMER: This course cannot guarantee you a job. There are many external factors at play that are out of control of this course. However, this course will provide you with guidance and techniques on how to effectively prepare and market yourself through your resume.

The Process
You will receive access to the course platform
You will have access to all the course platform for 6-months from purchase
You will have ability to download all content during that 6-month timeframe
You will be granted access to a private online Slack Community to ask questions during the course, as well as, interact with anyone else who has purchased the course, and joined the online community
While going through the course you will receive templates and guidelines, as well as, you will create your baseline resume and create/update your LinkedIn profile
"I approached Paula Bell because I was looking to transition careers and become a Business Analyst. Paula helped me by revamping my resume that aligned the skills I already have to that of a Business Analyst. One thing I like was her professionalism and attention to detail. I found the experience rewarding and I would recommend Paula to people who are considering a career change to a Business Analyst." - Keith O. (USA)