
MIND :認定マスターライフコーチ、ライフパーパスコーチ、ゴールサクセスライフコーチ、キャリア開発ライフコーチ、ハピネスライフコーチ
BODY :認定エクササイズヒップホップ™ステップエアロビクスインストラクター、認定エクササイズバーンインストラクター、武道インストラクター
SOUL :認定ビジネス分析プロフェッショナル(CBAP)、ACBA、認定ダイバーシティ&インクルージョンマネージャーコーチ、ライセンスIDI管理者

Our Goal is to Inspire, Motivate and Encourage All!
I have had the AMAZING honor, and opportunity, to speak at many different events, conferences, and corporate meetings in the areas of Business Analysis, Project Management, Leadership, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Self-Improvement and Career Development for over 15 years, and still counting. I have enjoyed every bit of it.
I have also had the opportunity to host and participate in different podcasts/videocasts such as: "Visualize and Create" with Martine Cadet, "The Joe & Paula Show" with Joe Newbert, "HerBold Story" with Inga Davids, and my own pods, "Dojo Talks", and the "Kime Zone" to name a few.
Below are some samples of this great work, in addition, to a list of my most popular presentations.
If you would like to book me for an event please click the button below to get the process started.
基調講演とボードブレイキ ング
Video Podcasts

TESTIMONIAL: "I find webinars very useful, however at times find myself zoning out, lose interest and exit before the end. Paula’s webinars are very engaging. She uses some very interesting analogies with martial arts, and that’s very effective. She also keeps a good pace! She manages to convey the message very clearly and to the point. In Europe we often think of US folks as very wordy and going on and on and on (no offense), but Paula manages to hit it right for the international crowd too! Thanks Paula!" - Pavlina F. (UK)

TESTIMONIAL: "Paula Bell is a dynamic and energizing speaker. I had admired her for several years and this year she spoke at our annual conference. She spoke with her colleague Tyler Thayer. This made the presentation that much better as they are truly a team. Paula has a plethora of business analysis knowledge but she also speaks to the soft skills. Many people can be great technicians but if they can’t relate to people their other knowledge does not matter. The topic they spoke about at our event would fit any organization “Let’s Collaborate, Not Tolerate”. Collaboration is important to success in any industry especially with any project teams. Your organization needs Paula Bell to speak to your group and if she has Tyler Thayer with her, that’s a bonus!" - Judy Alter (USA)