
Известный как «BAMartialArtist» и «Ninja P».
Спикер/тренер/консультант/автор/организатор мероприятий
УМ : Сертифицированный мастер-коуч по жизни, коуч по жизненным целям, коуч по достижению цели и успеха, коуч по развитию карьеры и коуч по жизни счастья.
ТЕЛО : Сертифицированный инструктор по степ-аэробике Xtreme Hip Hop™, сертифицированный инструктор по Xtreme Burn, инструктор по боевым искусствам
ДУША : Сертифицированный специалист по бизнес-анализу (CBAP), ACBA, сертифицированный тренер по управлению разнообразием и инклюзивностью, лицензированный администратор IDI.

Our Goal is to Inspire, Motivate and Encourage All!

Career Preparation & Development™ Course
If you are looking for a self-paced online career development course this is he course for you. This course provides a 7-step process starting with self reflection/introspection and ending with how to prepare and effectively execute an interview, with a lot in between.
Find out more details by clicking on the button below.

The Waza of Resume Preparation& Creation™ Course
If you are looking for a self-paced online resume preparation and creation course to create a resume that will stand out, this course is for you. You will learn how to create what I call a baseline resume and how to tweak it to apply for positions you desire.
Find out more details by clicking on the button below.
The Kihon of Interview Preparation & Execution™ Course
If you are looking for a self-paced interview preparation and execution course to be the candidate the hiring manager cannot ignore then this course is for you. In this course you will receive guidance on interview fundamentals and how to effectively prepare and execute an interview.
Find out more details by clicking on the button below.